Recognizing the Need For A Divorce

Recognizing the Need For A Divorce

  • What Does No-Fault Divorce Actually Mean?

    The idea of no-fault divorce can come as a shock to many people, especially if they feel there are issues left over from their marriage that need to be litigated. If you're not confident about what that means, it can be helpful to get some background on why the system works this way and how it might affect you. Where is No-Fault the Law of the Land? All 50 states have some form of no-fault divorce available, and the courts everywhere are reluctant to get into fault issues unless there is something extremely worrisome in play.

  • 3 Things To Keep In Mind As You Choose A Divorce Attorney

    If you are ready to get a divorce, you need to hire a divorce attorney. Even if you think things will be straightforward, you are going to need legal advice and assistance with this process. Choosing the right divorce attorney can make the divorce process a little smoother and easier to deal with. Understand the Purpose of Your Attorney You are going to have an easier time choosing an attorney if you remember their purpose.

  • Do You Have A Negligent Supervision Claim?

    When you place the health and well-being of your child in the care of another, you may have a course of action when things go wrong. Failure to supervise is the legal name for negligent actions that cause harm to your child. To find out more about this serious form of personal injury, read on. Caregiver's Inattention It can be heartbreaking to find out that someone you trusted with your child failed to do a proper job.

  • Do You Need A Divorce Attorney?

    Splitting up is rarely a straight-forward thing. There's always a chance that someone will say or do something that will alter the situation from a straightforward signing of papers to a court battle that drags on for longer than it should. One of the things that individual spouses have to battle with is the decision to bring an attorney into the mix. Some people may consider the act of hiring a divorce attorney an arms race, and things can quickly go south.

  • Don't Fall For These Myths About Child Custody

    Pursuing a custody agreement for your child post-divorce can be emotionally challenging and time-consuming. The process is often made worse by false myths that are spread about child custody and custody cases. Don't let these myths stress you out or push you towards a less-favorable arrangement for your child. 1. If you were the one who asked for a divorce, you may not be given custody. This myth exists in a few forms.

  • 2024© Recognizing the Need For A Divorce
    About Me
    Recognizing the Need For A Divorce

    My husband and I had a great marriage for about ten years--that is, until he started cheating on me. I found out about it from a friend, and once I started peeling off the layers of my husband's lies, I realized that we hardly had anything to salvage in the first place. I decided that it would be best to get divorced, but I knew that it would be painful and difficult. This blog is for anyone out there who needs to gather the strength to get divorced. Check out these posts to learn more about the process and how the right lawyer can help.